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Please join us for a countywide community conversation to discuss the Boundary Expansion and Management Plan Update of the Passages of the Western Potomac Heritage Area (PWPHA). The gathering will be held on Wednesday, July 12, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. in the Allegany Museum, located at  3 Pershing Street in Cumberland, MD.  Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend so feel free to spread the word.

The PWPHA is an important funding mechanism available through the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority.  It allows eligible applicants to apply for capital and non capital grants to enhance heritage tourism opportunities in their community.   We hope you can attend and encourage your participation in this important project.
For questions please contact the CPPDA at 301-724-3655 Ext 100.  Or send emails to [email protected].  Please come out and support your community, and please share this invite through your own mailing lists. We would appreciate getting as many perspectives as possible on this day and please feel free to RSVP to our Administrative Aide, Crystal Lloyd at [email protected].


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